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Frustration to the MAX!!

well I HAD to record more of this haha. This game's been a lot of fun so far! 

Really silly and entertaining game you've made here! You've turned something dull and mundane (not spilling a beverage) and turned it into something genuinely fun. Great job! 

I Can't even with this! Why does this game have me stuck on twerking at 7:00 am? 

Awesome Game! Music is on point. Mechanics are unique. A++


I've been looking for a game that is fun but may make me rage. This is extremely fun and I think more videos I'll eventually rage haha. 

I found keeping the guy upright to be hard indeed!

Amazing fun, loved it, hated it, looking forward to seeing this one completed, nice work guys keep it up.



Really enjoyed this Game, as rage inducing as it was :P And got to do a little bit of twerking aswell. 

Awesome Work on it tho :D

Have you ever needed to know if you walk to work without spilling your coffee beans? Well, this trusty simulator will help you prepare for that clean business shirt

oh this game! so funny but hard at the same time! good job on creating this though! 

I did a little playthrough of your game.

Looking forward to the full release on Steam.

This game is hilarious! I gave up on the crouch level, wherein you need to go down for the scanner. But anyway, the game is awesome! I played a lot when I wasn't recording and I was enjoying every bit of it!

This game is ridiculously fun. I only played 10 levels but even so i got addicted!

Hello everyone my name is slester, so i played this game and all i can say is brilliant. I like the concept and the way they made the game. So here is my gameplay i hope you enjoy it!

Hi, thank you for making this game.

I hope it's okay, but I made a game-play video of this game.

Playing don't spill your coffee, with a bunch of noinsense mixed in

Ever had trouble staying awake and drinking coffee? Well this game is one for you in which we try to get to a meeting with as much coffee as possible. Honestly pretty fun game. Enjoy :D

Is Team Meeting Games on the Twitter?

Awesome game go check out my video on it and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!!!!

Gameplay i did of the game

Such a fun game to play... Enjoy :)

Game scarred me for life. :D

Loved this game :D

I absolutely loved the crap out of this hilarious game! Couldn't get enough of it! Great job and good luck to the devs for the future of Don't Spill Your Coffee!

This game is stupidly funny. I watched RaedwulfGamer play and it was the first time in awhile that I'd laughed that much. Decided to try it out myself. :) I did end up beating it lol, and it was a fun hour of playing. Congrats on getting it greenlit!


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A Brief Supremo Update!

Hey there!

I know we've been quiet since being approved for Steam Greenlight, but rest assured we are continuing to work hard on the Supremo Edition of Don't Spill Your Coffee! We've been designing and implementing tons of new mechanics, controls, levels, and more! Now that we have a good idea of the overall scope, story, and new features in the Supremo Edition (plus that we realistically can only work on the game over weekends), we've decided that our original goal of end of Summer was a bit ambitious. We are now aiming for an early 2017 release and we're going to try to post more frequently than we have been.

For now, here's a quick screenshot of one of the break rooms where you can acquire more coffee from a coffee machine if you've spilled too much:

Thanks again for the millionth time for your support!

/Team Meeting Games.

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This has been one of my favorite indie games so far! I literally played it for an hour and a half and didn't even realize it. I felt so motivated to keep trying, and unlike some games, I didn't really feel like giving up. So... try it out. I didn't regret it so I'm pretty sure you won't either! Also, thanks to the game developers for bringing me so much enjoyment!

If you want to check out my gameplay then here it is:

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